Family Homeschool Goals
Very few have come here today. Whatever is the reason? We celebrated the Feast of the Martyrs, and nobody comes? The length of the road makes them reluctant, or rather it is not the length of the road that prevents them from coming, but their own laziness. For just as nothing stops an earnest man, one whose soul is upright and awake, so anything at all will stand in the way of the half-hearted and the lazy.”
“What then should Christian education be, if not the introduction into this life of the Church, an unfolding of its meaning, its contents and its purpose? And how can it introduce anyone into this life, if not by participation in the the liturgical services on the one hand, and their explanation on the other hand? ‘O taste and see how good is the Lord’: first taste, then see – i.e. understand. The method of liturgical catechesis is truly the Orthodox method of religious education because it proceeds from the Church and because the Church is its goal.”
– Fr. Alexander Schmemann, Liturgy and Life: Christian Development Through Liturgical Experience
Let’s take a moment for some personal reflection. Our spiritual journey is about growth. It is about examining our stumbles and putting forth purposeful effort to get back up and continue along the path, always striving to deepen our relationship with God.
We often get caught up comparing ourselves to others, when in reality, we all have differing circumstances in our life that have us working through life slightly different from the person next to us. But as Orthodox Christians, we all have the same goal as one another – theosis.
What services did we attend this past year?
Did we go to liturgy on Sundays, vespers during the week, attend services for major feast days, take our children to church for their nameday, attend any of the lenten services, or any other services held throughout the year?
How often did we go to these services?
Did we go to liturgy every Sunday except when someone was sick? Did we only make it to a couple of vespers on Saturday evening? How often did we take our kids to the lenten services this past year? Did you take your kids to church on Sundays, during Great Lent, or for major feast days while you were traveling?
Our spiritual journey is one of preparation and training. We cannot go from never exercising to running a marathon the next day. With this in mind, let’s make a goal that we are confident we can complete this year. It may take a little bit of prodding ourselves when life gets busy, but it should be an achievable goal. A small goal. A step forward.
Another aspect of the method of teaching of Jesus Christ is that He approaches each person at that person’s own particular level of development…The growth of understanding on the part of the disciples is a very gradual, individual process. – Sophie Koulomzin, Our Church and Our Children
Are you going to attend liturgy every Sunday, except when someone is sick? Are you going to learn about every person’s patron saint and attend liturgy, when available, this year? Are you going to study about the major feast days and attend liturgy for them? Are you going to pick the first Saturday of every month to attend vespers on Saturday night? Are you going to attend one of every lenten service with your children this year? Are you going to attend all of the evening lenten services and all of Holy Week with your children?
As Orthodox homeschooling families, we have the perfect opportunity to bring our children to church services MORE often. What is our family’s church attendance goal for this upcoming school year? How often did you attend church services last year and what service(s) are you going to plan to attend this year as growth for you and your family?
Insert Quote
Teaching quote
Questions for personal reflection:
What are we going to study this year?
Personal goals for parents (academic, emotional, spiritual)
Personal goals for children (academic, emotional, spiritual)
How are we going to teach the content?
Insert quote
Questions for personal reflection:
How are we going to live our faith in our daily life? (Prayer, fasting, almsgiving, reading the Bible, traditions, church attendance – above, namedays, feast days, etc)