Week 12: Parable of the Revealed Light

1. Who is the light of the world?

2. How do we shine the light of Christ wherever we go?

Notes for the Teacher: One of our sub-goals this year was to make connections between the Bible and our everyday lives. One of those connections is our use of candles at church and at home – Christ is the light of the world and He shines within the darkness. When we receive Holy Communion, we leave the church and are called to shine the light of Christ to all we meet. What are some ways that we do this? Some examples are: our tone of voice, our willingness to help someone in need as we walk pass them, and our choice of words

Craft: Rolled Beeswax Candles

The craft is optional. You could also bring candles from your narthex to class and use those instead for the lesson.

Apostle to the Plains

This story tells about a priest in the U.S. who traveled far and wide to be the light of Christ to Orthodox Christians during a time when there were few priests and churches in the midwest.

Ancient Oil Lamps

We wanted our children to understand what is meant by a lamp in the Bible. We bought some of these ancient oil lamps so they could see, in person, how they worked and to help them start to develop a foundation of knowledge about life during the time of Jesus. You could also bring in photos of the oil lamps or find a short video on YouTube to show the kids as well.