Week 13: Feeding of the 5,000 & Transfiguration

1. How does the Feeding of the 5,000 apply to us today?

2. We are going to continue studying the major feast days – Transfiguration.

Notes for the Teacher: Our service of artoklasia today is in commemoration of the miracle of Christ feeding 5,000 with five loaves. We always bring 5 loaves of artos (the bread used for the service of artoklasia). This is an opportunity to make that connection for our children. You can discussion this connection and/or make artos as part of your lesson.

For those looking for the stamps/seals used to make artos – I bought mine many, many years ago from prosphora.org, but the priest has since ceased making them. I have yet to find anywhere else that makes them online. Hopefully, one day we will have some people who learn this craft and make them available to us once again.


Instructions and guidance on making artos for artoklasia

Mount Tavor (Tabor) Israel Video Tour

Jezreel Valley, Mount Tabor, Israel (drone footage)

Transfiguration Monastery, Mount Tabor