Week 7: John the Baptist Prepares the Way


1. What is repentance?

2. What is threshing and winnowing in relation to the parables?

Notes for the Teacher: If you plan on doing the threshing and winnowing activity, you will need to purchase wheat in advance. I bought mine here on ebay. (Do not buy it on Amazon. I tried that and the wheat did not have kernels on it when it arrived.) It would also be a good idea to practice threshing and winnowing before teaching the kids so you know what to do.

We also passed out stickers after the activity. Totally an optional part of the activity:

We did a threshing and winnowing of wheat activity with our entire church school this year. We do not have huge wheat fields in our neck of the woods, so our kids do not have a concept or experience with what it means to thresh or winnow wheat. This activity was meant to provide them the experience so they could better understand the parables involving wheat.