Below, I have shared the most comprehensive version of our curriculum thus far. It’s still difficult for me to share our weekly teacher Zoom meetings with you – for a myriad of reasons – but I was able to share more here this year than last year.
Our church school (grades PreK to 12) finished our study of the synoptic gospels with the Gospel of Luke for the 2023-2024 school year. We focused on learning about iconography in relation to Christ’s life, finding Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, and the Jordan River on a map, and also creating a timeline in relation to the events listed in the Gospel of Luke.
In relation to teaching our kids how to read icons:
Younger children – We focused on teaching them how to identify Christ and the Theotokos, identifying St. John the Baptist and the 12 Disciples (as a group), and major feast days. (Videos available in Week 4 Lessons)
Older children – We focused on making sure all the children could identify key people in icons, tell us what event is happening (miracle, parable, feast day) and tell us as much as they could about the event.
Please make modifications, where needed, to meet the needs of your church school or class.
The classroom lessons were written by Jennifer Hock and submitted weekly to Fr. Vasile Tudora.*Any mistakes or errors within these lessons belong to me, Jennifer Hock. Please forgive me.
Family Guide
This guide was emailed to parents at the beginning of the year.
Guide to Icons
How do you teach the literacy of iconography to children? (Videos)
List of Lessons
We created a calendar of lessons for the year.
PreK-2nd Routine
Our youngest classes had a weekly routine when they entered their classroom.
"Lord have mercy"
Our younger classes are learning how to sing, “Lord, have mercy” in different languages.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3
Annunciation & Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Early Elementary Lesson
Upper Elementary Lesson
Middle School / High School Lesson
All Lessons & Teacher Resources

Week 4
Annunciation, Nativity, and Presentation of Christ
Early Elementary Lesson
Upper Elementary Lesson
Middle School / High School Lesson
All Lessons & Teacher Resources

Week 5
Stories with Ageless Wonders

Week 6

Week 7
John the Baptist Prepares the Way
Early Elementary Lesson
Upper Elementary Lesson
Middle School / High School Lesson
*All Lessons & Teacher Resources – If you’re going to do the threshing & winnowing activity, it requires some prep a few weeks prior.

Week 8
Christ’s Baptism, Temptations, and Ministry
Early Elementary Lesson
Upper Elementary Lesson
Middle School / High School Lesson
All Lessons & Teacher Resources

Week 9
Jesus Calls His First Disciples
Early Elementary Lesson
Upper Elementary Lesson
Middle School / High School Lesson
All Lessons & Teacher Resources

Week 12
Parable of the Revealed Light
Early Elementary Lesson
Upper Elementary Lesson
Middle School / High School Lesson
All Lessons & Teacher Resources

Week 13
Feeding of the 5,000 & Transfiguration
Early Elementary Lesson
Upper Elementary Lesson
Middle School / High School Lesson
All Lessons & Teacher Resources

Week 14

Week 15

Week 17

Week 18
Christ Cleanses the Temple
Early Elementary Lesson
Upper Elementary Lesson
Middle School / High School Lesson
All Lessons & Teacher Resources

Week 19

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23
Christ’s Crucifixion & Burial
Early Elementary Lesson
Upper Elementary Lesson
Middle School / High School Lesson
All Lessons & Teacher Resources