One Year with the Divine Liturgy
Explanation of our church school program for the year:
For the 2020-2021 church school year, St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church in Euless, TX implemented a “One Curriculum” model. The idea was to have everyone in the parish learn about the same topic in order to nurture understanding of the Divine Liturgy, to bring families together in conversation about each week’s lesson, and to promote greater participation in the Divine Liturgy as a community.
All of our teachers were provided with the lessons below for their designated age group. Father Vasile would also provide a short lesson for the entire parish at the end of liturgy each week (labeled below as “Parish Lesson”) over the same topic as our teachers. Due to Covid and our classroom situation, our teachers would teach each week’s lesson on Zoom for Sunday School after liturgy. Each of our teachers also received Christ Amongst Us from New Rome Press for their own extended learning as well as an additional teaching resource for their lessons.
The classroom lessons were written by Jennifer Hock and reviewed by Fr. Vasile Tudora.
*Any mistakes or errors within these lessons belong to me, Jennifer Hock. Please forgive me.
We cannot understand our worship without knowing the Scriptures. Yet the same is true vice versa: The meaning of the Scriptures is disclosed in worship.
What is the Divine Liturgy?
Worship in the Homes
(The Early Church)
Worship in the Catacombs
(Time of Persecution)
Worship in Churches
Goal: What happened that allowed Christians to move from worshiping in the catacombs because of persecution to being able to build churches and worship openly?

General Structure of the Divine Liturgy
(Two Main Parts)
Poster from Christ Amonst Us by New Rome Press

Liturgy of Saint Basil

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Presanctified Liturgy

Liturgy: Proskomide
Preparing the Gifts Visual
from Orthodox Pebbles
Recommended: Teaching Pics
(page 21 in the catalog) from OCEC

Liturgy: Antiphons, Small Entrance, Trisagion Hymn

Liturgy: Epistle and Gospel Reading

Liturgy: Litany of Catechumens

Liturgy: Cherubic Hymn, Great Entrance, Litany of Completion

Liturgy: The Creed

Liturgy: The Holy Anaphora

Liturgy: The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father from Potamitis Publishing
(3rd – 5th grade)
Orthodox Children’s Bible Reader
from Greek Orthodox Archdiocese

Liturgy: Holy Communion, Thanksgiving, Dismissal

Practical Preparations for Liturgy

Use of the Senses During the Liturgy

Sight: Icons
Several icons of different saints: A martyr, an unmercenary, bishops, Christ, Theotokos, monastic, etc

Sight: Clergy & Vestments
Build Your Own Bishop, Priest, Deacon from OCEC

Sight: The Church Building / Architecture

Hear: Hymns / Church Music
Sweet Song: A Story of St. Romanos the Melodist from Ancient Faith Publishing
Optional Resource: (PreK – 5th)
Lessons & Activities for Sweet Song

Hear: Church Bells / Censers

Touch: Making the Sign of the Cross / Kneeling / Prostrations / Veneration of Icons & Relics

Touch: Priest Blessing / Addressing Clergy

Smell: Incense / Bees Wax Candles Burning & Their Use

Taste: Holy Communion / Andithoron / (Occasional) Kolyva, Artoklasia, Phanouropita